Driving in Winter Weather Conditions

Driving in Snow, Ice or Sleet requires you to drive with extreme CAUTION. Maintaining control when driving your VSC vehicle in winter weather conditions is much more difficult than driving on dry or even wet roads. To ensure your safety and those around you, please adhere to the following:


  • Clear all windows and mirrors of Snow & Ice – you can’t drive safely if you can’t see!
  • Clear all lights of Snow & Ice so you can see and be seen by other drivers.
  • Clear vehicle roof of Snow & Ice because it will slide down onto the windshield.
  • Clear hood of Snow & Ice because it will blow up onto the windshield when driving.
  • Tires: Recommended tire tread depth measurement = at minimum 5/32nds.
  • Fill up the windshield washer fluid with a good winter solution.


  • Use your headlights when snow, ice or sleet is falling – even in daylight!
  • Stay Focused on the road and be aware of other drivers around you.
  • Exercise Caution: drive like you are walking on ice…because you might be driving on it!
  • SLOW DOWN…to stay out of trouble drive at or under the posted speed limit (use hazard lights).
  • INCREASE FOLLOWING DISTANCE to 8-10 seconds between you and the vehicle in front of you!
  • Accelerate and decelerate slowly. Accelerate gently when making turns. Maintain control.
  • Avoid hard braking. Brake gently to avoid locking the wheels and losing control of the vehicle.
  • If you begin to slide take your foot off the brake or accelerator and steer into the slide. As the vehicle
  • raightens out straighten the steering wheel. Don’t panic and don’t overcorrect.
  • Before you begin to drive downhill, select a lower gear to avoid braking on downhill stretches.
  • If the road appears wet & shiny it may be black ice. Avoid braking or accelerating – you may spin out.