Driving in Adverse Weather – Rain


Hydroplaning on wet roads; Encountering Standing Water / Flooded Roadways

Preventative Measures:


In addition to poor visibility that accompanies most heavy rain events, drivers need to be prepared to protect
themselves against hydroplaning. Hydroplaning can occur when a vehicle is traveling too fast in heavy rain/wet road conditions. Hydroplaning will cause the vehicle’s tires to travel on a thin layer of water, rather than riding directly against the roads surface. Hydroplaning makes steering and braking difficult which can cause you to lose control of your vehicle.

Follow these tips to help you stay safe while driving in heavy rain:

  • Take Your Time – DRIVE SLOW! Driving slowly is the best way to keep your vehicle from hydroplaning. When driving under the speed limit use your HAZARD LIGHTS – if legal in the state where you are driving! Note: Florida prohibits it, and other states limit the usage.
  • Increase Your Following Distance. It is much more difficult to stop on a wet road. You must follow at minimum the 4 second rule* which enables you to leave adequate stopping distance between your vehicle and the vehicle directly in front of you. NEVER TAILGATE!
    • *How to calculate the 4 second rule: When the vehicle ahead of you passes a landmark (road sign, mile marker, etc.) begin counting 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi, 4 Mississippi. If your vehicle makes it to the landmark before you counted “4 Mississippi” you need to slow down as you are following too closely!
  • Turn on your Headlights. Turn your headlights on to help other drivers see you. When it is raining this rule applies even during daylight hours.

Driving In or Around Flooded Areas

The reason that so many people drown during flooding is because few of them realize the incredible power of water. A mere six inches of fast-moving flood water can knock over an adult. It takes only two feet of rushing water to carry away a vehicle. This includes Pickups, Vans, and SUVs.

  • Do not drive through a flooded area. More people drown in their cars than anywhere else.
  • Heed this advice when you come upon standing water on the road: TURN AROUND, DON’T DROWN – these words can save your life!
  • Pay Attention to Barricades – Do Not Drive around them or past them – the Road or Bridge ahead may be flooded or washed out!
  • Be extra cautious at night when it is harder to see possible flood dangers.
  • Do not park your vehicle near streams or rivers, especially during threatening weather conditions.
  • Park your vehicle on the highest ground available.