Water Damage Prevention – Previously Installed Sprinklers

A recent water damage incident occurred when an existing sprinkler head was removed from its original installation and reinstalled with replacement piping.

The Risk Management Department would like to take this opportunity to remind all VSCF&S technicians that this procedure is prohibited in NFPA 13, 2010 Edition;

6.2.1 “Only new sprinklers shall be installed’’.

This ruling goes for all sprinklers including dry pendents. Once a sprinkler is pulled in it is no longer “new” and cannot be removed and reused. If during the installation it is noted that the sprinklers are the incorrect make, model, temperature or length, keep the unused sprinklers in their original packaging and
return them to the shop for proper storage.

If in the field you encounter a situation where you cannot follow the above listed procedures contact your immediate supervisor or Roger Shearin (804-640-2288) for guidance.

Your compliance in this matter is greatly appreciated.