Vehicle Housekeeping – Transporting used Threader Oil


Oil has spilled into truck bed contaminating the bed, contents, and creating an environmental risk. Oil cans and buckets spill into truck beds and onto the bumper creating a slip / fall hazard when retrieving material.
Tools, sprinkler heads and other small materials can be dropped into open pan. The oil can drip onto the roadway and ground below creating an environmental hazard.

Corrective Action:

Cover waste pan while in truck to avoid spills and rain overflow. Also secure pan to prevent
displacement. Carry a small container of mechanics litter (oil absorbent) on the truck to clean up spills. Do not put rags or paper in the waste pan. Do not cover the pan with cloth or paper products.

Ongoing Solution:

Maintain daily housekeeping of vehicles. Do not allow debris and material to accumulate.