Placing pipe and other material across the guardrail on an MEWP:
Violates OSHA 29 CFR 1926.450 & 451, subjecting us to possible citations and fines. OSHA states that the only purpose of the MEWP guardrail is to “prevent employees from falling off”. We cannot use the guardrails for any other purpose. They are not designed for, or intended to, carry or hold material. OSHA also states “top rails that are used as handrails, shall be at least 3 inches from other objects”, requiring us to keep the top rail specifically free of objects/material.
ANSI A92 standards also prohibit “the mounting of attachments for holding tools or materials onto the platform or the guardrail system.” Not using a manufacturer-approved attachment can decrease the stability of the MEWP, exceed the maximum allowable side force, and create an overhead fall hazard and struck-by hazard if the improperly mounted materials were to fall.
If MEWPs will be used to bring up pipe and other material, manufacturer-approved attachments must:
- Be included when pre-planning the job, and
- Be requested from the equipment rental when ordering the MEWP.

For further assistance in selecting MEWP equipment, please contact your Regional Safety Manager.