Job Site Safety Audits

An easy method and VSC safety program for managing safety on a job site are safety audits to help identify and correct unsafe conditions & behavior.

The primary objective of these frequent inspections is to prevent accidents& injury and take corrective actions immediately. Safety audits / inspections are also an OSHA standard as stated in 1926.20(b)(1)

  • It shall be the responsibility of the employer to initiate and maintain such programs as may be necessary to comply with this part. 1926.20(b)(2) Such programs shall provide for frequent and regular inspections of the job sites, materials, and equipment to be made by competent persons designated by the employers.

VSC was recently cited by OSHA for violation of this standard where employees were exposed to fall hazards in a stairway that did not have handrails. Had frequent job site safety inspections been conducted as cited by OSHA this hazard and the citation would not have happened! VSC Client and contractors will now use this citation in determining our prequalification’s for future projects!

It is VSC policy that frequent job site safety inspection be completed by a competent person.

A copy of the VSC Site Safety Audit form can be obtained in the VSC Safety Site. You can also contact your Regional Safety Manager for a copy and assistance in training & implementing job site safety inspections.

10 Reasons VSC, TEMPS, & SUBCONTRACTORS MUST Do Regular safety audits:

1. Evaluates Effectiveness of Safety Programs

2. Saves Money and Lives

3. Discover New Safety Hazards

4. Ensures That Equipment is Safe to Use

5. Allows You to Evaluate the Level of Safety Training

6. Keeps Everyone on High Alert

7. Increases Productivity

8. Attracts New Clients

9. Verify OSHA Compliance

10. Keeps Everyone Prepared

Many of VSC accidents and injuries could have been
prevented had the hazard that caused the injury
been identified in a safety inspection as seen here.

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Can you identify the hazards in this photo?