Safe Driving Tips – Adverse Weather & Road Conditions – Wind


Driving in Heavy Wind

Preventative Measures:

Strong winds can create a driving hazard just about anywhere, but the wind can be an even greater risk when driving through wide open spaces. Areas for concern include highway overpasses and bridges. The following tips can help keep you on the road and safe if you encounter heavy winds when driving.

  • VSC Fleet Vehicles. High winds are more likely to create hazards for Pick-up Trucks, Vans and SUVs as these vehicles sit higher above the roadway than a standard passenger car. The impact of the wind against your vehicle can cause you to lose control, or in extreme cases result in vehicle upset.
  • Keep a firm grip on the wheel. Keep both hands on the wheel in case the wind begins to move your vehicle.
  • Notice larger vehicles. Be aware of large vehicles on the road such as tractor-trailers and recreational vehicles. They are more susceptible to high winds and drivers may have difficulties staying in their lanes creating a hazard for you.
  • Secure all equipment and materials. Any equipment or material that is carried in the bed of trucks or on ladder/pipe racks must be secured tightly. Strong winds can easily dislodge these items sending them airborne and posing a danger to pedestrians, other vehicles or property.
  • Downed Power Lines. Watch out for wires that have been knocked down by the wind. You could get stuck driving through them, and worse, they could make rescue impossible.

Parking your Vehicle. When parking your vehicle during these periods of high winds, avoid parking under trees or temporary shelters such as canopies or car ports as trees and temporary structures can be easily knocked down onto your vehicle.