Vehicle Safety – Deer Warning

Be Aware of the DEER!

44 VSC vehicles collided with deer! $137,000 paid for damaged Trucks and Vans!

  • Nationwide, Deer are involved in over 1 million vehicle collisions each year.
  • Insurance claims for animal collisions are nearly 3 times higher during November and December as compared to other times in the year.
  • Deer – Vehicle collisions result in 200 fatal injuries in the U. S. each year.
  • Deer migration and mating season generally runs from October through December and causes a dramatic increase in the movement of the deer population.
  • More deer-vehicle collisions occur in this period than at any other time of the year – YOU Must Be Especially Vigilant When The Deer Herd Is On The Run!

Follow these Driving Tips to Help You Drive Safe and Avoid Collisions with Deer:

  • Watch for eyes reflecting in your headlights. Try to look far down the road and scan the roadsides, especially when driving through field edges, heavily wooded areas, or posted deer crossing areas. The sooner you see a deer on or approaching a road, the better your chances of avoiding a crash.
  • Remember that deer travel in herds. If you see one deer cross the road in front of you, don’t assume that all is clear. Deer herds can be fairly large, and the animals often move one right behind the other.
  • Do not place confidence in “deer whistles” or other “ultra-sonic” devices that claim to prevent colliding with deer. Research has learned these devices are not effective. They may even confuse deer near the road.
  • Maintain control of your vehicle. It is important that you not lose control of your vehicle or veer into the path of an oncoming vehicle to avoid contact with an animal. Loss of control usually results in a more serious crash.
  • Slow down! In areas with a large deer population, or where there are deer warning signs, drivers should reduce their speed. Especially true at Dawn and Dusk!
  • Always wear your seat belt! It is your best protection from injuries in the event of a crash.