Trenching & Digging – Underground Utility Hazards


There have been repeat incidents of damage to underground utilities on projects where VSC was the managing authority. These violations are the result of excavation equipment hitting buried utility cables while digging or trenching to access or install below ground fire protection systems. Severe or even fatal injury can occur when exposed or damaged electrical utilities come in contact with employees, heavy equipment, or metal tools used. Fire and explosions can also result in severe injury or death when striking buried gas lines!

If you hit an underground utility, VSC is liable for all injuries and any damage costs for utility line repairs, resultant property damages, and loss of business claims.

Damaging utilities for 911, municipal, federal, and military facilities come with very heavy fines. Ruptured oil, fuel and other chemical process cause long term environmental hazards and affect public safety. These violations can have a huge negative impact on VSC!

The root causes of these accidents: Failure to locate
utilities; Not using preventable methods when digging
close to a utility; Utilities not properly marked;
Equipment operator error; and Failure to preplan the

Preventative Measures:

  • All public utilities must be located and properly marked 24 hours before any excavation can begin.
  • If VSC is digging underground they must call 811, a minimum of 72 hours in advance of the dig, so that all existing underground utilities can be marked. Go to for additional information for your state.
  • VSC employees or VSC sub-contractors are PROHIBITED from digging until 811 is called and all utility companies have responded and YOU have confirmed that they have marked their underground lines. After the utilities are marked, if you have any questions call 811 for answers – before you dig, or dig any further!
  • Private utilities within private property boundaries must be confirmed by the property owner. Obtain this information from the property owner IN WRITING!
  • A private utility marking company must be contacted by the property owner or VSC so that these underground utilities can be properly marked. Each VSC District will need to identify a local, private utility marking company.
  • A pre-project site safety evaluation must be performed to ensure all required measures have been taken.
  • Respect the Markings made by the utility companies. You MUST HAND DIG CAREFULLY around any marking that cannot be avoided entirely.

If an underground utility is hit while VSC or a VSC sub-contractor is digging, you
MUST CALL Your Regional Safety Manager IMMEDIATELY!