Mobile Elevated Work Platform(MEWP) – New Standards

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has established new safety standards for the safe use of Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP). MEWP is the new name for Aerial Work Platforms.

ANSI A92.22 Safe Use and A92.24 Training provide new standards that OSHA can use to cite VSC when non-compliance with the standards is the cause of an employee MEWP accident. To prevent accidents and OSHA violations VSC has revised its safety policy to incorporate these new ANSI A92 Standards into its training program and requirements.

Key Changes: In addition to the employee operating the MEWP, the new standards apply to Occupants, Supervisors and Trainers!


  • Must be trained in the safe use of MEWP prior to operating the equipment.
  • Will understand and be familiar with the equipment – must be the same make and model of MEWP used during the actual jobsite operation or one with operating characteristics consistent with the piece of equipment used on the jobsite.
  • Must carry their MEWP operator’s certification card at all times when operating the MEWP.
  • Must ensure the area surrounding the platform is clear of personnel & equipment before raising or lowering the platform.
  • Are responsible for the safety of each occupant & ensure occupants have a basic understanding of how to work safely on the MEWP.
  • Must conduct a pre-start inspection every day or at the beginning of each shift and immediately report any problem(s) to the supervisor, and must not operate the equipment until the problem(s) is properly resolved.
  • Training will take several hours to complete as it must include theory (classroom or online) and practical (hands-on) training.
  • Training must be conducted by a qualified and authorized instructor designated by VSC’s Risk & Safety Department (Risk-Safety).


All personnel who will occupy the platform with the MEWP operator must receive training that provides basic knowledge to ensure their own safety. Training will focus on:

  • Proper use of PFAS (Personal Fall Arrest System) and location of manufacturer provided anchors for tie-off.
  • How their actions can affect the stability of the MEWP.
  • Safe use of MEWP accessories the Occupants are assigned to use.
  • Site-specific work procedures the occupant must follow related to the operation of the MEWP.
  • Emergency Descent Procedures: At least one occupant must be trained to operate the controls in an emergency when the operator is unable to perform, including emergency shutdown and lowering procedures.
  • Manufactures warnings and instructions.
  • Hazards related to job tasks and prevention.


Supervisors who directly supervise one or more MEWP operator must receive training on:

  • MEWP classification by groups and types to determine which MEWP is appropriate for the job.
  • Rules, regulations and standards defined in ANSI A92.22 Safe Use, including safety procedures to be defined in the risk assessment.
  • Hazards associated with MEWPs and the prevention of accidents.
  • The MEWP Operator’s Manual – both the location where it is to be stored on the MEWP and the importance of reading and following it.
  • Signing the Operator’s card to certify the operator has demonstrated experience and knowledge with the MEWP – Group and Type.
  • When the MEWP is being operated, ensure at least one additional person qualified to operate auxiliary and manual emergency controls, and who is not an occupant, is on site at all times.
  • Establishment of a Safe Use Plan for each specific MEWP. The plan should include a worksite risk assessment to identify hazards and evaluate risk, create control measures, provide a rescue plan and a method to communicate results with all affected employees.


The Trainer approved by Risk-Safety must meet the following requirements:

  • Experienced with the particular classification of MEWP.
  • Knowledgeable regarding the laws, regulations, safe practices, and manufacture requirements.
  • Trained in the recognition and avoidance of hazards associated with MEWP.

Contact your VSC FIELD SAFETY MANAGER for training or questions regarding these new standards.