Fall Protection – A Life Threatening Hazard


A VSC employee was installing the 6 inch steel pipe located above the ladder. The employee was standing on the second step of the folding ladder, reaching overhead, while manually maneuvering the 6 inch pipe through the pipe hanger. The rear base of the ladder is only a few inches from the outside open edge, which is located on the 4th floor level of the building. The opening is not guarded as it is located outside of the safe zone that the general contractor established by way of a guardrail. The guardrail (not in view of this photo) is located 8 ft. back from this open edge.

The VSC employee was wearing his fall protection harness but was NOT tied off, as common sense dictates and OSHA requires! An additional lanyard was connected to the ladder to prevent it from falling over however, that lanyard is not anchored to anything! The ladder could easily tip over and fall over the edge dropping the ladder and the employee 40 feet to the loading dock below!

We are fortunate that VSC’s Field Safety Manager was present to stop the employee, educate him on the obvious danger of not being properly tied off, get him to tie off to the anchorage points provided by the General Contractor and avoid a tragic accident! VSC’s safety team is not present on job sites each day, therefore you must follow the Preventative Measures below.


  • Project Site Pre-Planning: VSC ‘s site supervisor will use the VSC site safety check list to identify fall hazards and protection methods to be used at the job-site.
  • VSC job-site crew will be properly trained on VSC’s Fall Protection Safety Program and adhere to the requirements.
  • VSC’s site supervisor to attend GC project pre-construction meeting to obtain contractor required fall protection.
  • Document & train crew before project start date on all job-site fall protection requirements.
  • Provide all crew with approved personal fall protection and anchorage equipment.
  • Daily, each employee will inspect his/her fall protection equipment prior to start of job as outlined in VSC’s Fall Protection Safety Program.
  • Instruct any new employees assigned to project, before their start date, on fall hazards & preventative measures.
  • Report and document any missing or damaged handrails or hole covers to General Contractor and VSC Field Safety Manager, and stop all work within the fall hazard until corrected.
  • Conduct & document weekly site safety audits and safety meetings for duration of project to ensure compliance.

For project sites without a GC or Owner (customer) provided fall protection plan:

  • Conduct site Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) and document all fall protection and anchorage. If no Anchorage points installed by Owner or contractor, VSC will install an approved anchorage and retractable system. Example: a wire cable properly secured to column (see pictures) as anchor attachment point.
  • Document & instruct all crew, before project start date, on all fall protection requirements identified in JHA.
  • Follow all other preventions listed above.
  • Contact VSC Risk Management for assistance as needed.

Note: it is VSC policy that employees are not to loan any fall protection equipment to other contractors.