Employee Safety Responsibilities

  • Adhere to all safety instruction, training and established PPE requirements.
  • Abide by all safety practices and procedures and perform all actions in a safe and prudent manner so as not toendanger anyone. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
  • Use all safety equipment and PPE required for the task at hand.
  • Inspect all tools and equipment prior to each use and discontinue use of any defective or unsafe tools and equipment.Employees must turn in worn out safety equipment before new items will be issued. The employee may be expectedto pay for any lost or intentionally damaged PPE.
  • Do not allow other trades to use VSC equipment or ‘borrow’ to use other trades equipment located at jobsites.
  • Wear appropriate clothing for each job assignment. At minimum, clothing will include: Long pants, shirts with sleeves,safety toed over-the-ankle type construction shoes, hard hats and safety glasses. Other job specific clothing will beidentified for the specific task at hand.
  • Inform your supervisor if you are taking any medication that can impair your ability to stay alert and work safely.
  • Immediately report to your Supervisor all accidents and injuries, whether or not an injury occurs, or how minor aninjury may appear.
  • Immediately report to your Supervisor all unsafe conditions or acts committed by you, a co-worker, or another trade.
  • Successfully complete all required health and safety training.
  • DO NOT CONSUME ANY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES prior to, during work, or at lunch. DO NOT bring open containers ofalcohol, illegal drugs or firearms onto a jobsite, VSC facility, or VSC vehicle.
  • Do not participate in Horseplay, Violent or Offensive Behavior of any kind.

Employee participation

VSC recognizes that non-supervisory employees are a valued asset to our company because they are often those closest to the hazard, and often have the most intimate knowledge of workplace hazards. Employees actually performing the work can contribute valuable insight given their hands on perspective and we encourage employee participation in the design, implementation, and ongoing operation of VSC’s Health & Safety Program.