Ladder Safety – Fall Off Ladder Injuries


There has been an increase of VSC accidents involving falls from ladder with injuries.

As of November 50%, of VSC injures for 2023 are due to unsafe ladder use.  Injuries are broken bones, fractures, and strains!  A total of 277 restricted workdays resulting from these accidents! That’s 92% of the VSC 2023 YTD recordable rate! 

According to the National Safety Council, ladder accidents account for over 300 deaths and 165,000 nonfatal injuries annually in the United States alone. More than 22,000 people across the US are injured while using ladders and 161 people suffered a fatal injury from a ladder in 2020.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 65% of those ladder fatalities came from movable ladders.


  • Improper Ladder Selection
  • Incorrect Ladder Setup
  • Overreaching
  • Lack of training
  • Rushing
  • Footwear
  • Poor Lighting
  • carrying objects
  • applying excessive force,
  • slips and missteps.
  • Unsafe body position
  • Distractions
Position ladder directly beneath task


  • Maintain 3 points of contact.
  • Keep body (belt buckle) between side rails.
  • Avoid overreaching.
  • Place ladder on ground and solid unmovable surface.
  • Face ladder when ascending or descending.
  • Stay centered on the ladder.
  • Fully open the ladder and lock supports in place.
  • Brace yourself with your free hand if possible.
  • Carry tools in toolbelt or pouch not in your hands.
  • Use ladder with non-slip feet.
  • Use correct type and height of ladder for the job.
  • Inspect ladder before use.
  • Look down before descending ladder for debris or trip hazards.
  • Do not use cell phone while ascending or descending.
  • Position ladder directly beneath job task.
  • Reposition ladder as needed to reach job task.
  • Position ladder facing the job task.
  • Maintain good condition of work boots.