Toolbox Talks

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Recent Safety Alerts

  • Job Site Safety Audits

    An easy method and VSC safety program for managing safety on a job site are safety audits to help identify and correct unsafe conditions & behavior. The primary objective of … Read more

  • Construction Site Emergency Evacuation

    Job site with only a single ladder between floors can impede employee’s ability to exit and prevent prompt medical attention in case of serious injury and delay the administration of medical attention to an injured employee, particularly in the case of serious injury, where even a few minutes can make a difference.

  • Ladder Safety – Fall Off Ladder Injuries

    There has been an increase of VSC accidents involving falls from ladder with injuries. As of November 50%, of VSC injures for 2023 are due to unsafe ladder use.  Injuries are broken bones, fractures, and strains!  A total of 277 restricted workdays resulting from these accidents! That’s 92% of the VSC 2023 YTD recordable rate!

Frequently Used Forms

MEWP Inspection

Mobile Equipment Checklist

MEWP Client Authorization

Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP) Authorization

Subcontractor and Temp Employee Safety Submittal Form

Subcontractor & Temp employees Safety Submittal Request Form

Subcontractor Competent Person Form

Subcontractor Competent Person Request Form